
El Salón de Clase

Objetos 1

Question: The flag
Answer: La bandera

Question: The window
Answer: La ventana

Question: The waste basket
Answer: la papelera

Question: The ruler
Answer: la regla

Question: The piece of paper
Answer: La hoja de papel

Objetos 2

Question: The map
Answer: el mapa

Question: The chalk
Answer: La tiza

Question: The clock
Answer: el reloj

Question: the chalkboard
Answer: el pizarrón

Question: The pencil
Answer: el lápiz

Objetos 3

Question: The globe
Answer: el globo

Question: The table
Answer: la mesa

Question: The wall
Answer: la pared

Question: The notebook
Answer: el cuaderno

Question: The pen
Answer: el bolígrafo

Objetos 4

Question: The marker
Answer: El marcador

Question: The eraser
Answer: el borrador

Question: The teacher desk
Answer: el escritorio

Question: the book
Answer: el libro

Question: The alphabet
Answer: el alfabeto

Las personas

Question: The teacher (female)
Answer: La maestra

Question: The teacher (male)
Answer: el maestro

Question: The student (female)
Answer: la alumna

Question: The male student
Answer: el alumno

Question: Mrs.
Answer: la señora