
Mollythemouse's Computer Quiz

Keyboard Short Cuts

Question: Control C
Answer: Copy

Question: Control V
Answer: paste

Question: Double Click
Answer: Highlights one word

Question: Triple click 
Answer: Highlights whole sentence

Question: Control F
Answer: Finds a word on a webpage very quickly 

Mad libs

Question: Adjective 
Answer: A word that describes

Question: Adverb
Answer: action word ends in ly

Question: Noun 
Answer: Person place or thing

Question: Plural 
Answer: More than one (add an s to the end)

Question: Superlative 
Answer: Expressing the highest degree of quality (Like best athlete, best smile)

Keyboarding rules

Question: True or False, Your legs need to be crossed
Answer: False

Question: True or False, Wrists are on the keyboard
Answer: True

Question: True or false, stick your elbows out, into your neighbor
Answer: false

Question: True or False, stare at the pimple on your arm while typing 
Answer: False

Question: True or False, Keep fingers over home row
Answer: True

Ways to stay safe on the internet

Question: True or False, Text someone you "met" online to come over
Answer: False

Question: True or False, Don't share your personal info
Answer: False

Question: True or False, Tell your mom if you are being bullied
Answer: True

Question: True or False, Don't give out your password
Answer: True

Question: True or false, Be kind
Answer: True

Molly's favorite thinks

Question: Sport?
Answer: Basketball

Question: Hobby?
Answer: Sleep

Question: Computer Game?
Answer: Fagario

Question: Favorite color?
Answer: Teal

Question: Favorite Food?
Answer: Chipotle